Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for drivers to treat motorcyclists with the caution and respect they deserve. Often, drivers will try to overtake motorcyclists, follow them too closely, or otherwise fail to drive as if they are near a very vulnerable person riding essentially on a motorized bicycle. If you were hurt as a motorcyclist in an accident due to no fault of your own, you should contact a knowledgeable San Antonio, Texas motorcycle accident lawyer from Sahadi Legal Group today to schedule your free initial consultation with our firm.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer | San Antonio, Texas | Here to Fight for You

Motorcyclists are often unfairly and devastatingly injured as a result of other drivers’ negligence. If you’re one of them, you shouldn’t stand idly by and wait for your injuries to heal on their own. Instead, you should retain the services of a competent and dedicated San Antonio, Texas auto accident lawyer who can fight for the maximum compensation on your behalf. Our firm is on your side, and we will be through each phase of the process ahead.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents occur for various reasons, though like with most accidents, they are the result of driver negligence. Just some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents are as follows:

  • Drivers tailing bikers too closely
  • Drivers failing to check blind spots before merging, or otherwise unsafely changing lanes
  • Distracted driving
  • Opening car doors before ensuring no bikers are coming down the road
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Speeding

Taking Legal Action after a Motorcycle Accident

Often, bikers who are hurt can only do one thing: call the police. However, if you can, after calling emergency services to the scene of the accident, you should try your best to take the following actions:

  • Get the other driver’s insurance information
  • Ask witnesses for their contact info
  • Take pictures of any damage to your motorcycle, the other driver’s car, and your injuries
  • Seek medical treatment and keep copies of all information pertaining to your injuries and medical bills
  • Hire a dedicated motorcycle accident lawyer who can help prove that the accident wasn’t your fault and that you, therefore, are entitled to financial compensation

Ensure you bring your claim to our attention swiftly, as the statute of limitations for personal injury claims here in the state of Texas is, generally, two years.

Contact Our Bexar County Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Today

No motorcyclist who has been unfairly injured should have to scramble for compensation on their own. If you were hurt, you should trust the professionals here at Sahadi Legal Group to fight, tooth and nail, for the full and fair financial compensation you deserve. Contact us to schedule your free initial consultation with our firm today.

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